Let's all know and own our part

XPGroup are focusing our energy and resources on mitigating the Environmental impact of our operations at the point of use, through our supply chain management and inherent multilocal principles.

We are driving a multimodal technology based approach to vehicle logistics that leads the market through the smarter use of powerful digital technologies.


What we are doing


We are continuing our journey to expand multilocal operations to support local demand where appropriate.

To avoid large scale polluting physical locations, we exploit localised facilities where needed and reduce transient emissions.

We already have multilocal sites at Carlisle, Portbury, Sheerness, Sandtoft and Purfleet.

Using solutions developed by XPTech, we deploy smarter scheduling technology to ensure the most efficient delivery journey.

Digitisation of route planning includes connected EV charging.

Use of connected traffic websites to manage journeys.

Digital interconnected use modeling (multi-modal).

We continue on our digital journey by embracing software innovations for better business planning, ie. grouping activity.

By using devices that give us a lower carbon footprint, greater energy efficiency and are ultimately recyclable.

By pursuing continued use of efficient data centres, utilising renewable energy and cooling.

Working with our colleagues, customers and business partners alike, we take all reasonable measures to prevent and minimise any negative impact on the environment.

Recognising the growing need for integrating sustainable choices into our supply chain management, we continue to seek out and work with organisations certified green/carbon neutral and with the added goals of upholding environmental and societal values.

We are committed to using renewable materials in any new facility developments and continue to switch our existing sites to use only LED lighting and integrated modern heating solutions.

To help protect precious water resources, we monitor and aim to reduce water usage, whilst looking to review the proportion of mains vs recycled water used.

Integral to the XP Value Proposition is to clearly socialise our Environmental commitments and enable our employees to understand their responsibility for fulfilling them.

To drive direction and momentum throughout our organisation and inspire employees, an internal working party has been launched with a specific focus on reducing our impact on the environment.

Everyday decisions by individuals; those individual small choices
 – which coffee to buy and in which kind of cup; whether to drive to work, cycle or share a lift – add up to a big effect on the environment.

We care about the impact we have on the environment and believe its important we all know and own our part.

We all have a part to play


Throughout our sites we provide  convenient recycling and/or repurposing solutions accessible by all. We are working towards a ‘plastic free’ organisation.

Operationally we ensure to reduce the quantity and degree of waste we produce and continue to handle in a safe, legal and ethical way.

Tiny changes in our daily decisions make a tangible and immediate difference.  Saving electricity in our offices has environmental benefits as well as cost saving ones, and it’s easy to apply many of the same techniques we use at home to our workplace. 

We encourage our employees to consider car sharing as their preferred transport option, to help reduce emissions and pollution. Incorporating shared travel into our planning also embeds green thinking into our workforce and helps with the roll out of other green initiatives.

By cutting back on water usage, especially water wastage, we are all helping to protect precious water resources and greatly reducing costs too. Using less water helps reduce the greenhouse gases released from collecting, treating and supplying clean water.

Deploying ECO friendly business solutions and ‘from anywhere’ meeting software encourages reduced travel, increases productivity and promotes flexible working schedules enjoyed by many of our employees.

Our digital workplace solutions support our 100% paperless objective – decreasing our carbon footprint, providing easy access to data and increasing security and confidentiality for our customers.

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